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Steeltown provides complimentary Gift Cards to be used for prizes and raffles associated with many charity fundraising events. These Gift Cards are semi-restricted, and cannot be transferred to a Steeltown Best Customer Account, and are not eligible to receive points toward free beverages. Donated Gift Cards also expire 6-months from the date of the event.
How We Do It
Our policy also requires that any Gift Cards we donate be raffled-off or sold to raise revenue for the requesting organization. Thus, we do not donate food, beverage or Gift Cards for non-revenue generating use at an event, rewarding volunteers/staff of an organization, or to be used as gifts/prizes by the organization. Though we appreciate the good work of these volunteers in our community, our resources are limited and confined just to the charitable fundraising purpose of the organization.
We also know that there are far more worthy causes in Pittsburg than we have the resources to offer to them. However, we do try to do the very best we can each year and encourage all to apply.
Here’s how to do that:
All requests for donations must be made in writing and sent to: Adrian Badger, Steeltown Coffee & Tea, 695 Railroad Avenue, Pittsburg, CA 94565.
Donation requests on letterhead may also be left at the coffeehouse in an envelope addressed to Adrian Badger c/o Steeltown Coffee & Tea.
E-mail requests usually end up marked as SPAM and, thus, are not accepted.
Requests should be made at least 10-days in advance of an event, as the request must be reviewed and approved.
Requests made on official letterhead stationary are preferred.
Each request must include:
the organization name and the purpose of the fundraising event or effort
the date(s) that it will take place
non-profit tax ID information, if available, and
the contact information (mailing address and telephone number) of the requesting group and/or individual.
how the donation will be used
Because we receive many, many requests each month, we are not able to respond personally to each request. However, we encourage you to resubmit your request in subsequent years if we are unable to accommodate you in the current year.
Thank you for the work you do, and keep up the good work!
Steeltown Coffee & Tea is proud to be known in Pittsburg as a community-minded business.
We encourage: local, non-profit groups, businesses, organizations and individuals to participate in charity events that support the community in general and the arts in particular.